Fort Polk
Blast Strengthening
Owner: U.S.Army
System: Watson Bowman Acme
“Mbrace” Carbon Fiber
Area: 5,500 SF
Completed: May 2003
Several buildings at Fort Polk, Louisiana were being remodeled for new uses. Building 350 was located to near a street and, under heightened security requirements, one corner of the five story building required strengthening.
After investigating several optional methods, the corps of Engineers accepted the “Mbrace” Carbon Fiber System as the most expeditious and economical.
Two bays of each of the five floors were strengthened with up to five piles of “Mbrace” Carbon Fiber. Steel angles were then bonded to the carbon fiber at top and bottom and the angles were then bolted into the concrete floor and ceiling.
Pull off tests were conducted showing excellent adhesion of the carbon fiber to the concrete and CMU walls. All parties connected with the project were very pleased with the final product