Holiday Inn Garage Repair

Mobile Enterprises, Inc. was selected by the Owner of the Holiday Inn Hotel in Austin, Texas to install six (6) prefabricated cold galvanized steel double tee support brackets on the fourth level of the Garage structure.
The double tee stems had begun to “dig” into the concrete support ledge causing a 2” gap between the double tee flanges and the topping slab above them.
Mobile jacked the double tees up snug with the topping slab, removed portions of the support ledge to allow the attachment of the support brackets and epoxy-anchored the support brackets into place. The demo’d support ledge was patched over with SikaRepair 223 and primed with Armatec 110 EpoCem.
Project: Holiday Inn Garage Repair Austin, Texas
Owner: Pacifica Host Hotels
Engineer: LOConsultants
System: (6) Prefabricated Cold Galv. Steel Double Tee Support Brackets
Completed: September 2010
