Razorback High School Stadium Bleacher Repairs

Mobile Enterprises, Inc. was the successful bidder on this high school stadium repair project in Texarkana, Texas. The underside precast C-channel legs had deteriorated to the point that concrete had begun to spall and the horizontal rebar was exposed. In addition, the concrete around 290 embedded connection plates was spalling and the wire mesh in some of the seating channels was exposed to view. After the underside repairs were completed with Sika repair products, the entire seating area surfaces were power washed and sealed with Sikagard 701W siloxane emulsion concentrate.
Project: Bleacher Repairs to the Razorback High School Stadium in Texarkana, AR
Architect: The BDA Design Group, Inc.
Scope: Patch the bottom of overhead precast channel legs – 450 LF Patch around 290 embed plates Clean and seal entire seating area Skim coat exposed wire mesh with SikaTop Seal 107
Completed: August 2008