Texas A&M University – Central Utility Plant
The basement, tool and supply room, of the Central Utility Plant at Texas A & M University had many areas of spalling, loose concrete in the ceiling making a safety hazard for employees working in the areas.
Texas A & M University engaged Mobile Enterprises to make the repairs. Working under extremely difficult conditions (Hot pipes, limited working space, conduits, etc.) Mobile’s crew chipped out the loose material, cleaned the area and the reinforcing steel and restored the area to original dimensions with Sika 123+ repair mortar.
Cracks were cleaned, ported and sealed and then injected with SikaDur 52 Injection Resin. After injection, the temporary surface seal was removed by grinding, leaving very little evidence of any repairs. TAMU was very pleased with the work.
Project: Central Utility Plant Basement
Owner: Texas A & M University
System: Sika 123+
Area: 400 Square Feet Repair 100 Linear Feet Epoxy Injection
Completed: May 2007