Walnut Creek WWTP
The cast-in-place concrete frame for the new Headworks Building at the Austin’s Walnut Creek Waste Water Treatment Facility developed honeycombs on the underside of several beams and joists during placement of the concrete. After examination and testing by the Engineer, Mobile Enterprises was asked to begin making repairs immediately in order to maintain the tight construction schedule.
Beginning in the most critical area above the electrical room, Mobile Enterprises technicians chipped out all of the honeycombed areas, forms were set, and Sika’s MonoTop 611 was pumped into the forms to restore the beams and joists to their intended configuration. Subsequent impact echo sounding tests performed by the Engineer verified the fact that all areas had been repaired satisfactorily.
Project: Headworks Building
Walnut Creek WWTP
Owner: City of Austin, TX
Engineer: Whitlock, Dalrymple,
Poston & Associates, Inc.
Austin, TX
GC: Archer Western
Contractors, Ltd.
Fort Worth TX
System: Sika MonoTop 611
Area: 200 Cubic Feet
Completed: November, 2003